Last week I mentioned a portability problem with variadic functions. Today’s topic is similar.
In late 2005 I transitioned ESEA from AMX Mod to AMX Mod X. We were only using it for a CSDM server. The server ran in 64-bit mode, so I installed 64-bit builds of AMX Mod X and CSDM, verified that they were running, and considered the job done.
Soon reports came in from users that the server wasn’t working – the gun menus were simply dying out instead of giving weapons. This bit of code in CSDM was failing (simplified):
After hours of debugging, the problem became known (I believe it was PM who discovered it). To explain the problem, let’s take a look at what’s involved. AMX Mod X plugins use a data type for integers called a “cell.” Cells have a small catch over normal integers:
It is 32-bit on 32-bit systems, and 64-bit on 64-bit systems. That’s unusual because on AMD64, an integer is 32-bit by default. The cell’s weird behaviour was a necessary but awkward idiosyncrasy resulting from some legacy code restrictions.
AMX Mod X relied on a single function for running stuff in plugins. This function’s job was to eat up parameters as cells, using va_arg, and to pass them to a plugin. For demonstration purposes, it looked like:
CSDM’s failing function was getting invoked like this:
Now, let’s construct a sample program which demonstrates how this idea can break:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdarg.h> #if defined __x86_64__ typedef int64_t cell; #else typedef int32_t cell; #endif void print_cells(int dummy, ...) { cell val; va_list ap; va_start(ap, dummy); val = va_arg(ap, cell); printf("Test: %016Lx\n", val); va_end(ap); } int main() { cell val = -1; print_cells(1, 1); print_cells(1, val); print_cells(1, -1); return 0; } |
This program has a small variadic routine which reads in a number as a cell and prints it. Our tests print 1, -1, and -1. Here’s what it outputs on AMD64:
Test: 0000000000000001
Test: ffffffffffffffff
Test: 00000000ffffffff
The first case looks good, but what’s up with the other two? We passed -1 in both times, but it came out differently! The reason is simple and I alluded to it earlier: AMD64 treats numbers as 32-bit by default, and thus that hardcoded -1 was 32-bit. The higher bits didn’t get used, but they’re there anyway because internally everything is stored in 64-bit chunks (registers are 64-bit and thus items on the stack tend to be 64-bit just to make things easy).
If you were to take that raw 64-bit data and interpret it as a 32-bit integer, it would read as -1. But as a 64-bit integer (or a cell), because of two’s complements, it’s not even negative! Of course, va_arg doesn’t know that we passed 32-bit data. It simply reads what it sees off the stack/register.
So what happened is that the plugin got a “chopped” value, and the comparison of 0xffffffffffffffff (64-bit -1) to 0x00000000ffffffff (32-bit -1 with some garbage) failed. As a fix, we went through every single instance of such a call that could have negative numbers, and manually casted each afflicted parameter to a 64-bit type.
The lesson? Avoid variadic functions as API calls unless you’re doing formatting routines. Otherwise you’ll find yourself documenting all of the resulting oddities on various platforms.
I’m not sure this problem has anything to do with variadic functions…
I believe this could have just been fixed by adding “L” (long) to the “-1” like so:
print_cells(1, -1L);
I believe by default constants are “int” which on an LP64 machine would be 32-bit hence why you are only seeing the bottom half of -1 in that last print. Adding “L” tells the compiler to use a long constant (64-bit on LP64 machine)
See “Numeric Constants” here: (“Porting Linux applications to 64-bit systems”)
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Great text and very valuable info – I will definitely avoid the variadic functions from now on.
Aspire medispa is a cosmetics surgery company based on Western Australia
Wow great insights! I will definitely avoid using the function from here on out!
The Blinds Gallery – Quality awnings Perth
Great experience in functions of API.
AACDS – Graduate Diploma of Dermal Therapies
Great experience in Variadic Arguments.
Aspire Medispa – Injectables for Wrinkle Relaxers
I will share this post with my husband who work as a developer in IBM. He is an IT guy while my interest is in the field of dermal sciences.
ACBT – Diploma of Beauty Therapy>/a>>
Eine Einbauspüle dient zum Ableiten von Mineralwasser plus zusätzlichen Fluiden. Dabei werden selbige in das Becken gekippt wie rinnen durch den Ausfluss in das Abflussrohr, worauf selbige danach in die Abwasserleitung abgeleitet werden. Somit es keinesfalls zu Obstipationen kommt, ist in den Ablauf ein Sieb eingelassen, was die gröberen Bestandteile des Schmutzwassers zurückhält. Weiters kann in einer Einbauspüle auch gebrauchtes Geschirr sowie Tischbesteck von Hand gereinigt werden. In diesem Zusammenhang lässt man Wasser ein sowie verhindert das Auslaufen durch einen Stöpsel. Bei Einbauspülen mit zwei Becken dient somit das eine zur Reinigung mit Spülmitteln sowie das sonstige zum Abspülen oder der Aufbewahrung der feuchten Gegenstände. Hierfür bietet der Geschäftsverkehr spezielle Körbe an, die einhängt werden können plus in denen das Geschirr abtropfen mag. Zu einem bequemen Bratrostfest am Abend können in der Spüle die Roste des Grills schlichtweg wieder rein gemacht werden. Dank der Armaturen können Lebensmittel vor der Anfertigung unter fließendem Wasser in einer Einbauspüle gereinigt werden. Einbauspülen sind also fester Teil in jedweder Kochstube, an der im Grunde bis zu 60 der Kochstubenarbeiten abgeschlossen werden können.
awesome! thank you for this.
Great explanation!
Very nice presentation of code. If ever that need to edit by someone, it’s easy to follow your codes.
I’ll avoid to the variadic functions.
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Very good article.Really thank you! Cool.